
Gary Meyer

Managing Director

Gary is the Managing Director and is responsible for Orient Point’s business operations. He also manages project operations, consulting services, systems development, and marketing.  

Gary founded Orient Point in 1997 in New York. Prior to founding Orient Point he was a Senior Consultant with Chatham Consulting Group where his main clients were AIG, Chase, Swiss Bank & American Express.

In 1990 he joined Johnson & Higgins where he created the operations management group and served as VP Operations Management. He later served the same role with Marsh & McLennan after their merger with J&H.

He left Marsh in 1997 and began developing Activity Information Modeling when he saw that networking and database technologies had developed to a point where his vision for an activity-based operations modeling methodology for large, complex, multi-national service operations could be developed. 

Jeff Brown

Executive Consulting Director

Jeff helps clients solve their problems and achieve new results to levels that exceed  their  expectations.

He leads executives through the analyses of their AIModels, helps them structure AIM findings into scenarios and programs. Finally, he consults with clients about the designs of their implementation and transformation plans.

Jeff joined Orient Point in 2018 after leaving CNA Insurance as the SVP World Wide Operations Officer.

Prior to CNA Jeff was SVP Operations Leader for the Americas at XL Insurance. Prior to XL, Jeff was SVP North America Operations Leader at Chubb Insurance and had spent over 20 years in commercial underwriting management there.

Jeff led Chubb’s first AIM projects in 1999, most notably Chubb’s transformation from a  branch centric to service center based organization. That initiative increased productivity over 35%, achieved the industry’s best service levels, and reduced Chubb’s operating cost ratio (cost/NPW) by 15 to 20% below the industry average.

Since then Jeff has been involved with over 20 AIM projects in multiple countries and operations. His considerable success and extensive experience with AIM as an executive makes him invaluable to Orient Point’s clients.

Bill Spang

Technology Director

Bill manages all technology areas for Orient Point including its proprietary AIM Sampler, Azure Cloud Management, Azure SQL DB Engineering, data collection systems, and the analytical tools that are built for our clients.

Bill also helps clients with their installation and use of AIM Sampler and Help Desk matters. Because of his in-depth knowledge, he frequently becomes engaged in helping client IT managers resolve problems with their legacy infrastructure such as mainframes and terminal

Prior to Orient Point, Bill had over 35 years of technology experience with the State of Texas where he served in a variety of senior technology positions until he retired.

Bill’s early career began as a “bean counter” using “big chief tablets” at a time when PCs were beginning to enter the office. He had prior computer knowledge from his time in the military, working with DoD servers and he instantly saw the potential benefits of PCs. He started developing Transactional Database Systems and custom business applications. Since then, he has expanded his knowledge and deliverables to encompass data security, process enhancements, and intuitive automation (before it was known as “AI”).

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