Our Business, Mission & Strategy


Our Business

Our business is helping companies achieve new performance results by solving their most urgent problems and achieving their most valuable goals.   


Our Mission

Our mission is helping our clients build thriving organizations that provide high value products to customers, rewarding employment to employees, and solid returns to stockholders.

Our Strategy

Our strategy is to help our clients achieve “leap-scale” performance improvements with our new methodologies, tools, technologies and AIM – Activity Information Modeling.

Chubb Commercial Insurance had 12 straight quarters of organic growth that exceeded 10% after conducting 2 AIM projects to increase productivity and growth. Seven of the 12 quarters exceeded 20%. During this same period the average growth rate for the commercial insurance industry was less than 1.5 %. 

What We Do

Imagine having a multi-dimensional blueprint of your company that shows you extensive management information about your customers, products, processes and resources; information about everything that occurs, why, when and how it occurs, how much time it takes and how much it costs. This information would help you truly understand your performance, help you quickly solve your toughest problems and help you optimize your opportunities.

Our clients achieve new performance results… solve their most urgent problems… and achieve their most valuable goals.

We give executives new information about  their business and help them analyze their customers, products, processes and resources.

We find, measure and define our clients’ problems and opportunities with quantitative metrics that lay the foundations for scenario blueprints of the best solutions.

Finally, after our clients have their transformation plans and programs selected, we give them management tools to prepare, align and synchronize their programs across their organizations.

We give our clients powerful new multi-dimensional information and advise, teach and help them achieve the new results they want.

Who Engages Us

Orient Point Clients

Where We’ve Worked

Many of our projects have been large scale, multinational projects where we simultaneously build AIModels across many countries in local languages while delivering mirror image AIModels in English for our client executives in the US and UK. 

our largest projects have been an American bank’s 1,500 branches and over 40 countries in Europe, SE Asia, Middle East and Latin America for a global insurance company.

What Our Clients' Success Looks Like

After seeing the cost of its customer segments in its customer and product AIModels, Citibank Private Bank raised its minimum assets on deposit from $2MM to $10MM for its North American and European customers. After this change, the bank doubled its assets on deposit in 18 months and doubled it again in the next 36 months. Profits more than tripled. They became one of the world’s largest private banking organizations and they have remained in that top tier.

AIG’s Global Claims Division conducted AIM projects to provide information for a Global Express Claims Program whose goal was to settle 50% of its claims within 24 hours of first notice. This program succeeded in reducing claims operations costs by 38% to 62%. The company’s hyper-fast settlement services became a unique strength and keystone of a new marketing identity that helped many countries achieve and sustain double digit sales increases.

What Our Clients Say About Us

How We Do It

We build Activity Information Models of our clients’ Customers, Products, Processes, and Resources. Our AIModels give our clients NEW information specifically designed for their problems and goals. We lead our clients in the analyses of their problems, conduct scenarios analysis (what-ifs) and help our clients prepare new solutions that can be quickly and successfully implemented. Every AIModel is delivered with specialized Excel workbooks that make analyses and reporting easy for everyone in our clients’ organization.

This is our success formula:

R = id  (Results = information X decisions)


ni X nd = NR (new information X new decisions = New Results)

To achieve new results, new decisions must be made with new information. It starts with new information; old information produces the same old decisions that produced yesterday’s old results. Einstein said it well, “We can’t solve today’s problems with the mentality that created them.”


Activity Information Models deliver new information our clients have never had about their problems and opportunities. Our analyses produce more and better solutions, with scenarios that include metrics and costs. Our clients make new decisions and achieve new results.


AIM – Activity Information Modeling is a new, unique and powerful management methodology that collects data from people as they work. It constructs a database with quantitative information about customers, products, processes, and resources: which we refer to as CP2R.

Each of these four primary fields have attribute data fields that elaborate more granular information. For instance, customer segment information can  have the customers’ total annual purchase amount and how long they have been a customer.  This additional information will be helpful when analyzing customers.

Activity Information Models provide time and cost information that makes finding the worst problems and the best opportunities fast and easy. AIModels proof to the general ledger which makes them and the analyses conclusions accurate.

The data content of AIModels are specifically designed to fully understand each client’s problems and provide new information for decision making and improvement program implementation.

Why Looking at Customers, Products, Processes & Resources (CP2R) Simultaneously is Fundamental & Imperative

  1. Performance problems are never isolated; they’re intertwined with other issues in other areas that must also be addressed.

  2. Every change creates a number of collateral “ripple effect” impacts. AIModels create scenarios that forecast what the collateral effects will be for contemplated changes.

  3. Very large (“leap-scale”) performance improvements, such as tripling a unit’s organic revenue can only occur when a number of improvements are made simultaneously in multiple areas such as process and technology changes in conjunction with organizational changes, new product variations, and re-imaging the customer segments.

  4. Large scale performance improvement initiatives almost always fail unless everyone and everything that is impacted is prepared, aligned, and synchronized. AIM provides the information that is needed to precisely blueprint, from the customer segment level down to the activity level, what changes will occur, the preparation they require, and operational milestones for synchronizing all of the dependencies.

It All Starts With The Data

Traditional Consultants' vs. Our Approach

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Traditional Consultants' Approach

Traditional management consultants gather existing information from their clients, hoping they can find something new that the client couldn’t. This existing information is almost always qualitative and never 100% homogenous. Clients’ existing information rarely has time and cost associated with it. Existing information almost always fails to provide everything that is needed.

Traditional consultants frequently supplement this old information with a small set of current observations and interview information which is qualitative, not quantitative. Observations and interviews are also very laborious, expensive, and time consuming to the project.

Traditional consultants collect descriptive data. It describes what happened and end results. It does not explain relationships and dependencies that predict what will happen if specific changes are made. Traditional consultants analyze their descriptive data and infer causes and relationships.

Our Approach

We create new information  that is specifically designed to  solve our clients’ problems and achieve their goals.

We collect new, quantitative and homogenous data from employees as they work. Our technology and methodology captures thousands of data points per hour.

We build AIModels with statistical confidence factors that exceed 98% and often exceed 99.5%. AIM data is never altered in any way and executives see a complete and accurate picture of their operations.

We collect descriptive data, diagnostic data,  predictive data and  prescriptive data. We know what happens, why it happens, how it happens, alternative options.

What Makes Us Better

  • Our recommendations and implementation plans succeed at a +90% rate; they achieve all goals and expectations on time and within budget. Our AIM projects very frequently achieve results that far exceeds our clients initial goals. Other consultants’ success rate hovers around 65%, according to Project Management Institute.  McKensey’s 2021 study said, “Our survey results indicate that companies’ transformation efforts remain stuck. The 30 percent success rate hasn’t budged after many years. (Losing From Day One: Why Even Successful Transformations Fall Short.  December 7, 2021 McKinsey & Company)

  • One of the key contributing factors to our high success rate is our collaborative approach. From the first step of a project, and every step thereafter, we create ownership and responsibility for the results among the clients’ employees. We assign work tasks and we lead clients’ employees to discover the causes of their problems and the possible solutions. Upon implementation these vested employees won’t let “their” new ideas and plans fail.
  • Our projects’ results frequently exceed our clients’ initial goals because our clients discover new opportunities they didn’t know were possible. For instance, it’s common for a client to discover that a customer segment is too expensive, or doesn’t fit their customer strategy, and they abandon that customer segment entirely.
  • We deliver quantitative information models with new information that are specifically designed for clients’ problems & goals.  Our competitors assemble bits of qualitative information they gather from existing information sources that are not optimal for analyzing and solving the clients’ problems.
  • Our new information helps our clients discover new characteristics and dynamics about their operations and make new decisions that achieve new results. Our competitors assemble old information that produces the same old decisions and results.
  • Our new information comes directly from employees as they work, without any interpretations or modifications. It is 100% homogenous. Other consultants gather information from observations, surveys and interviews. Their information is not homogenous and must be interpreted and modified to consolidate it.
  • Our clients continue to use their AIModels for years to analyze and solve new problems. They also ask us to help them with problems that were not originally targeted. Orient Point has always offered continuing AIM analyses assistance at no charge to our clients.

  • We conduct and lead our clients through a wide array of analyses. Other management consultants are not able to conduct these analyses because they do not have quantitative models.
    1. Descriptive analysis (findings with quantitative metrics)
    2. Diagnostic analysis (explains why something happened)
    3. Predictive analysis (documenting dependencies, trends and forecasts)
    4. Exploratory analysis (“what if” analysis using scenarios)
    5. Prescriptive analysis (discovering culations)
    6. Metrics analysis (comparisons of management metrics and ratios, i.e. capacity consumed per 1K revenue)
    7. Management analysis with decision tools (staffing management, cost management, extra/re-work analysis, etc.).

About Us

Orient Point Consulting LLC was founded in New York in 1997 by Gary Meyer.

Gary Meyer invented Activity Information Modeling in 1997.

Orient Point is the name of the northeast point of Long Island, New York, USA where we were founded and this lighthouse stands. 

An “orient point” is also a navigation term. It is the “you are here” location where navigators orient their map and plot their course.

Your orient point is critical because you can’t get “there” from here if you don’t know where “here” is.

About Gary Meyer

Gary Meyer’s first job interview after being discharged from the Army was with Burger King Corporation in New York,  who hired him that same day. At Burger King he developed a revenue-based workforce management method that improved both the profitability and customer service of Burger King’s restaurants. It was implemented company wide, very well received and very successful. It was soon adopted by other fast food companies and it has since become the standard workforce management method for the entire global fast food industry. 


He later joined Chatham Consulting Group, a New York operations consulting firm that worked with large financial service companies. Gary’s client assignments included Citibank, American Express, Swiss Bank, AIG and the Federal Home Loan Bank.


After Chatham, Gary joined Johnson & Higgins, a large  global insurance broker where he formed an operations management and consulting department. Johnson & Higgins merged with  Marsh & McLennan, the largest insurance broker, and he continued as VP of Operations Management Services until early 1997 when he left to start Orient Point Consulting LLC.


Gary invented Activity Information Modeling in 1997 when networking and database technologies developed to the point where they could support Gary’s vision for an activity-based data model of large companies’ extensive & complex operations.


Orient Point’s first clients were Vytra HMO (Emblem Health), Chubb Insurance and Citibank. On their twentieth anniversary, they were still engaged by Citibank and Chubb Insurance.


Gary Meyer served 5 years with the Army Security Agency (ASA), the field force for the National Security Agency (NSA) in South East Asia and Germany. He held Top Secret Crypto, Humint, Special Intelligence and Code-Word security clearances. Gary is a service disabled Vietnam War veteran.

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