Performance Management Metrics & Ratios

Performance Management Metrics & Ratios

Business Intelligence with quantitative models

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PM2R – Performance Management Metrics & Ratios

Executives use this business intelligence to improve their profitability, ROI and growth.

This program assembles sets of:

  1. Performance metrics; measurements that have a functional purpose such as a comparison chart of a product portfolio’s profit margins.

  2. Performance ratios; value calculations of 2 dissimilar, but related, quantities such as combining sales revenue with resource capacity time.

  3. With the performance metrics and ratios completed, the program then constructs management tools that executives and managers use to assess, monitor, and manage their day-to-day operational performance and develop their long-term strategic performance plans.

If your profitability, growth, ROI and P/E are disappointing… let’s talk.

We’re performance management experts with new and powerful business intelligence tools that will produce the new results you need to succeed. Our contact information is below in the footer of this page.